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Welcome, to Radio Blighty's Idle Hour!


Prepare yourselves, dear listeners, as Radio Blighty transports you to the world of 1940's adventure! Join Squadron Leader Anderson as he attempts to,  "ESCAPE FROM CASTLE KRONENBURG!", Dr Nathanael Carstairs on his journey of terror in, "IT CAME FROM THE DEEP!", and hunt for the killer in the country in, "MURDER BETWEEN THE STUMPS!"

The Idle Hour takes place as per a live radio hour; the cast, behind microphones, scripts in hand, pour out their characters as the terribly put upon sound recordist provides the delicate sounds of - War! Peace! Dinner! Pipe smoking! And, Walks in the countryside! However, to our dear audience, do you simply sit and observe this spectacle for the ears?! No! Where do you think our Applause! Cries of - Shock, Horror! Rhubarb! and, Oh no he didn't! come from? Yes, no show would be complete without the audience. When the cards go up, make as much noise as you can! ...unless you're asked to whisper. And interspersing the show, are informative announcements, commercials and delightful song! All this, in but an hour!

With 12 episodes in the series, all taking a wry look at the boys own adventure stories of the 1940's and even, dare we say, firing the odd superior glance back at the modern era, join us for utter silliness that takes its inspiration from the greats of radio; the Goon Show, Round the Horne, and so on, and casts a parodic eye over the stories of the golden era; Brief Encounter, King Kong, and more!

The Tale!

The Idle Hour presents an hour's episode of radio tales. Adventure, intrigue, Heroism and villainy? Yes, it's all there folks, split down the middle with an interval for all your thirst driven requirements!

The Song!

You need a song! Cried our singer as we pottered around the rehearsal studio. And she was absolutely right! As the audience whets their whistle in the interval, our singer is preparing to woo them with the sultry sounds of the 1940's.

The Sound!

The sound recodist cuts a lonely figure, between the microphones sitting at a desk littered with objects which quite frankly shouldn't make the sounds they do. But amidst the hubbub of the cast as they don character after character, tumultuous sounds of Bang! Thud! Wheeze! and Blunge! ring out from our sound operative, who has, perhaps, the best job of them all...makings things go splat.

The audience!

While the show rolls on, it's a relaxing time for the audience. "I'll just let it wash over me", we hear you say. Oh no, dear audience, Oh no. When the cards spring up, Hoot! Murmur! Applaud! Cry shock! Horror! and convey the sound of Background Germanic conversation, mixed with a hint of sadness and fatigue. We couldn't fit that on the card. Remember, dear audience, you have a job to do!

The Commercials!

In the 1940's, Radio commercials were largely unheard of. However, Radio Blighty brings you informative announcements and helpful commercials. Don't know how to cross a moor with a stick? Radio Blighty is here to help! Need extra protection? Try Ghoulies Cricketing armour! We guarantee it's just the ticket!

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